Monday, May 10, 2010

what would socrates think about the way that people are treating the world today? the way socrates wanted people to think was thinking critically of the decisions of the mainstream world. now people are creating harmful actions to the world, like create pollution and spill oil in the ocean, and its treated as something that is acceptable to society. the earth itself was something that the greeks appreciated and treated it with a sense of divine care as it was a product of the gods. would socrates, someone who died for his beliefs as opposed to leave his beloved city, condone burning coal and polluting the earth at our own whim? i would like to believe it would be something that he would detest and if it would any way harm the greater city it would be disgraceful to socrates. bringing up some sort of future decay in a point about socrates may be outlandish but the idea remains of what the ancients believed the earth to be and what kind of esteem they held their cities is something that is not as present in today's world.

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